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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why is it that the number of petals in a flower is often associated with one of the following numbers: 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, or 34? Read on to explore the answer.

Have you heard about the famous Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci and his Fibonacci number series given by the infinite elements: 0,1,1, 2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,…;? Nature, in particular plants, have no foreknowledge of this number sequence, but surprisingly, majority if not all petal arrangement of flowers carry these numbers!Below are some flowers that follow the Fibonacci number series.

Single-petal Flower

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The calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica), is a herbaceous perennial plant native to Southern Africa. A popular cut flowers for wedding bouquets, it average around 0.6–1 m tall with arrowhead-shaped leaves and unique single-petal flower. The showy flowers come in white, shades of green, yellow, pink, purple or orange color.

2-petal Flower

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Euphorbia is an enormous genus of flowering plants comprising more than 2000 species, widespread in tropical and subtropical areas in North America, Asia and Africa. Its sizes range from small garden weeds to giant large cactus-like shrubs.

3-Petal Flower

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Trillium is a genus of about 40–50 species of perennial flowering plants native in North America and Asia. Trillium averages from 7 to 18 inches and may come in white, pink, yellow, purple color. Its tubular-shaped flowers typically have three petals.

5-Petal Flower

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Columbine is any of about 60-70 species of herbaceous perennial flowering plants of the genus Aquilegia, widespread in woodlands and meadows throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Columbine is characterized by its 1-2 inches long bell-shaped flowers with spurred petals. Flowers colors range from yellow, white, red, pink, blue, purple or bi-colored. Columbine is the state flower of Colorado.

8-Petal flower

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Delphinium or larkspur, is a genus of perennial flowering plant numbering to about 300 species mostly found in forest clearings of the Northern Hemisphere and tropical Africa. The erect flowering stem varies sizes in certain species, from 10 centimeters up to 2 meters tall. The showy, spiked flowers can come in white, yellow, red, blue, or purple colors.

13-Petal Flower

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The Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), is an upright annual flowering plant found throughout North America. This cold hardy plant can grow up to a meter tall. The flower’s domed center, which is dark purplish brown in color is encircled by thirteen petals. Flowers colors may come in yellow, orange, gold, orange, mahogany or russet.

21-Petal flower

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Asters are perennial flowering plants found mostly in North America and Eurasia, comprising around 180 known species. A popular garden plant, it is typically herbaceous, though some species are shrubs and trees. It has a yellow dome-shaped flower head surrounded by 21elliptical-shaped petals. Colors range from white, pink red, purple or mauve.

34-Petal Flower

Daisies are flowering plants falling under the the Daisy Family

of Asteraceae which are native to central and north Europe. Although a number of species contain different number of petals, but typically, daisies commonly 34 petals. The flower stalk with yellow central disk support a single flower surrounded by white, pink or rose colored petals.

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