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Wednesday, April 27, 2011






The Pyramid of the Moon

The ancient city of Teotihuacan is located 50 kilometers north-east of the center of Mexico city and is well worth at least one or two days of exploration. There are many restored buildings to explore, as well as artwork and artifacts recovered from the site, as well as the two enormous structures for which the city is best known, the Pyramid of the Moon, shown here, and the even larger Pyramid of the Sun. Unlike the pyramids of Egypt, the pyramids at Teotihuacan aren't build of solid stone, instead they consist of stone and brick rubble covered with layers of cut stone, however they're still an extraordinary achievement, especially since all this was done without the benefit of pack animals, metal tools or the wheel
This photo was taken from 2 miles away.

Pyramid of the Sun

The Pyramid of the Sun, with an estimated weight of three million tons, is much larger than the Pyramid of the Moon, and was also built earlier. Each side is 222 meters long and it's over 70 meters high, making it the third largest pyramid in the world by volume, after the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt and the unrestored pyramid at the Mexican city of Cholula. Unfortunately because of the building method a lot of reconstruction was needed to get it to its current state, and there's considerable uncertainty about its original appearance

THE COUNTDOWN TO 12-21-2012 11:11 A.M.

Customized Counter

Time until Friday, 21 December 2012, 11:11:11 (UTC time)

On the winter solstice of 2012, the noonday Sun exactly conjuncts
the crossing point of the sun's ecliptic with the galactic plane,
while also closely conjuncting the exact the center of the galaxy.

This photo was taken in Southern France
by Laurent Laveder on 7-28-08

We're not from Milky Way

Astronomical updates of 2012 are pouring in. We are grateful for the Mayan Calendar for pointing the way. It is a good map but now, thru science, we are starting to see the actual landscape.

Have you ever looked out into the night sky and seen the Milky Way Galaxy? Did you notice the obvious tilt? It is at a steep angle to the straight line of the horizon. Why?

It turns out that our solar system appears to belong to another galaxy that is colliding with the Milky Way. This was recently discovered when scientists were trying to figure sources for "dark matter" that would account for forces we can measure but not see visibly. Using near-infrared (wavelengths of light outside human eye and optical telescopes) a huge sister galaxy circling the Milky Way was discovered. It's called the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (SGR for short).

For those keen on the 2012 data, this is the reason our entry point to the Rift, center, heart (HunabKu) of the Milky Way is thru Sagittarius. The two collide at that point. This explains why our solar system is at an angle to the plane of the galaxy and also why we dip above and below that center line every 12,000 yrs or so.

But the trail gets hotter - literally. Moon shots from the 1960s revealed glass on the moon. Glass is made from intense bursts of heat on sand. The event happened within the last 30,000yrs ago. Ancient petrogrpahs of primirtive people (archeological carvings) from that era (12,000+y.a.) show the sun causing extreme energy bursts changing earth atmosphere.

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